
Here some of the activities done at the Organization that will help the little ones grow up we and be good citizens to the world and more also live and exemplary life.

  1.  Devotion:At the Kids Home, we put God first in everything that we do that's why we we have set our everyday time and  spend it in the presence of the Lord. We teach children Gods love and his ward as we encourage them also to know how to read his ward  [ reading the Bible]   
  2. We do Music Dance and Drama. This has helped them to develop their Musical skills and acting plays/ skits and exercise their bodies through dancing.They are really good in this and they all love what they do.
  3. Games and sports: We find always time on weekend and take children to our nearby play ground and have good times with them and associate with them in different Games which makes them feal loved and happy.  
  4. Art and crafts:As a child , its good to be with other skills, so apart from what they learn from school, we also teach them how to make some crafts and other Art work and they are really getting it well.
  5. Visiting friends and praying for the sick: As kids grow up with us, we encourage them to learn how to love one another that's whey we move with them in some free time to friends and pray for those who are sick as a way of encouraging them.